Nos Merveilles Intérieures !
This treatment isa reset,
deep cleaningof all the parasites clinging to our various bodies.
He frees younegative energies influencing
your emotions, your psyche and sometimes interfering
down to your mental and physical health.
Whether they are of origin:
°Human (wandering souls)
°Energy (egregores of fear and anger),
°Extra-terrestrials (non-human entities belonging to other diliedons)
°Sexual (succubi/incubes apartmentenant to the intra-earth)
These parasites take advantage of'a drop in vibration of the person to feed onits vital energies.
They can also come because of atraumatic experience of this incarnation or past lives
who createdno fault in your aura.
This care ofparasitism acts almostinstantly, freeing you from all these parasites
(which are then put out of existencestate of harm)
It allows you to findyour full potential and your full light!
Deworming treatment isa powerful and precious treatmentin the time thatWe we are currently crossing.
Depending on the degree of parasitism,
it is recommended carry out two to three sessions for a total eradication.
he is alsorecommended ofwait 48 hours between each session so that the body can
fully integrate healings.
Deworming is also practicedin person or remotely
since time and space are not taken into account in energy care.
PRICE: 80€
Le soin de déparasitage intervient sur 4 types de parasites énergétiques :
Il s'agit d'un être désincarné (dépouillé de son corps physique) n’ayant pas accompli,
correctement ou complètement sa transition normale vers les plans supérieurs de conscience.
Il s’agit d’êtres non-humains s’agrippant au champs vibratoire de la personne.
Leurs intentions sont toujours liées au contrôle et à la manipulation de la psychée humaine.
Branchés directement à la matrice astrale,ils influencent notament les masses à la sur-consommation
tout en favorisant un sentiment de vide.
Il s'agit de parasites de basses fréquences appelés "Succube" ou "Incube" qui se nourissent de l’énergie sexuel.
Ils stimulent la sexualité involutive des êtres humains afin de récupérer leurs energies vitales. »
Il s'agit de "nuages énergétiques" créés et alimentés par nos pensées collectives.
Ils obscurcissent notre soleil intérieur et nous limite dans notre joie et confiance.
° Fatigues extrêmes et chroniques
° Dépression
° Mal de vivre
° Trouble de l'humeur
° Pensées lourdes répétitives et négatives
° Vision de choses horribles
° Douleurs physiques inexplicables
° Maux de tête et de nuque
° Point au milieu du dos et/ou dans la poitrine
° Angoisse/anxiété
° Peur/colère
° Sommeil agité et sans repos
° Perte de joie de vivre
° Difficultés à prendre des décisions
° Brouillard mental
° Changement négatif de comportement soudain.
° Sentiment de confusion/être désorganisé
° Perte de mémoire
° Difficultés de concentration
° Dépendances subites drogue/alcool ou autres
° Paralysie du sommeil
° Entendre des voix
° Envies suicidaires
° Personnalités multiples
° Troubles psychiatriques
° Devitalization of the 3 lower chakras
° Great fatigue
° Restless sleep
° Nightmares
° Unusual fantasies
° Exacerbated sexual urges
° Nocturnal orgasms
° Sensation of oppression in the sexual parts
° Difficulty meeting a partner
° Weakened throat chakra
° Feeling violated while sleeping
° Psychic disturbance about his sexual identity
° Violent spasmsalong the spine
° Unbearable painat the lower abdomen
° Energy of the descending kundalini (involution)
° Dizziness/labyrinthitis
° Psyche disorder (madness)
° Ringing in the ears/tinnitus
° Feeling completely disorganized;
° Just want to consume, compulsive purchases;
° Feeling electrified
° Dissatisfaction
° Procrastination
° Having difficulty connecting to your heart and your wisdom
° Problems in the ENT sphere
° Feeling empty
Parasite most often arises from a fault in our auric fieldor a vibrational drop which opens a door to parasites/entities in vibrational resonance.
The causes of a fault can be multiple and varied as well as specific to each person.
However, here is a non-exhaustive list of the main causes:
* Taking narcotics, drugs/alcoh...
*Consumption of Pornography
*Consumption of Horror Films
* Emotional or physical trauma, accident
*Physical/psychological aggression
* Sexual abuse/Rape
* Negative Thoughts / resentment / jealousy / no love
* Multiple partners
* Perverted sexuality
* Karmic Memory
* General anaesthesia
* Consumption of Horror Films
*Aggressive music (Metal/techno..)