Nos Merveilles Intérieures !


As far back as I can remember, I have always had difficulty integrating into this society without suffering and understanding its logic.
Already small,
many of these aspects disturbed me, challenged me...
As if the human being was missing the essential, as if the centerpiece was missing.
I arrived on earth with an open heart, loving everything that lives and not understanding why, it was not the same for everyone.
After many years of looking for answers in many areas about the meaning of life, of questioning ourselves about our mechanisms, our suffering personal and collective but also by force of experiences, meetings, work on myself and travels, I evolved and gradually opened myself to a new reality that this society still has so much difficulty integrating into itself...
The Sacred, the spiritual dimension of everything, the logical laws of the universe in which we let's all evolve gave me these answers.
I understood, ou rather I remembered that the earth and its inhabitants were at the dawn of a new luminous era, including this centerpiece which is the spirituality and that we should remember.
I wish to work in this direction and in turn help each being who makes this journey towards themselves, as I have been able to do and as I continue to do.
What I learned, what I integrated, I understood that it was now time to pass it on.
With Humility,
because each path is unique and tinted by the colors specific to the soul that crosses it.
With humility,
because everything is fair, everyone has their place and there is no single truth.
With humility,
because all of us, in this period of extraordinary acceleration, we are evolving and learning more every day and our transformation for all has only just begun.
With humility,
because each time new data is integrated, others arrive to test this integration and once again expand on what we thought was acquired or completed.
But always with the heart,
because he is the keyThe cornerstone of all that exists and the non-optional ingredient of all healing.